The Christian centre for handicap people "Grace" having its seat in Plovdiv , Bulgaria registered under company file ¹ 3703 /2001 with Plovdiv District Court represented by the manager Stefka Stoicheva.
We are Christian supradenomination charity organization, created to help handicap people, to work for their spiritual and cultural development.
It is difficult for me to tell you the story of the creation of the Christian centre for handicap people "Grace". It is difficult for me to explain how the idea for its creation came into my mind. I could only say that it began long before the registration of the center. In 1993 I began to record on cassettes sermons that had made me strong impression with the desire other people to hear them and to acquire further knowledge about Christianity. Gradually the number of cassettes grew. From England began to send me books in Braille, while other Christian organizations sent me books with normal type and that's how was formed a library. There were more copies than I needed and I began to send as a gift to those who wanted. In that way began to function one Christian service.
In 2001 God ordered me to take place in the international project for publishing of Bible in Braille in Bulgaria and I registered the center to correspond to the demands of the partners abroad.
From 2002 I began to publish Christian magazine “Grace”. Its total print is very limited because of the shortage of money that's why we send it in libraries and rarely give to ardent readers. The magazine is published quarterly. In order to be accsessile for everyone it is published in several types- in Braille, in a type suitable for people with bad sight, in electronic type on cassettes and disks. You can read it here, too.
In the library there are at your disposal a lot of titles in Braille, cassettes, and normal and enlarged type as well as electronic type. The library's fund is rich and diverse. It contains books, sermons , studies and music in different languages. Except in Bulgarian there are also songs in English, French, Russian, Jewish, Romanian and Gypsy. There could be found diverse music styles. All texts are Christian for the glory of Almighty God.
In Braille is already published the whole New Testament .
We are supplying channel of God with everyone who needs Him.
Look for us! We will be happy to find new friends.
Become our helpmates on the God' s field!
You can contact us through:
Post address:
4006 Plovdiv , P.O. Box 11
Christian centre for handicap people "Grace"
For Stefka Stoicheva
Phone/fax: +359 32 281137
GSM: +359 898547116; +359 878462292
And here
We are expecting you!